* Guests need not present, but they must register and pay.

Registration is closed for PVRW 2024.

You can not currently create accounts on the PVRW website.

A collage of three images. The one on the left shows four people reviewing a poster presentation. The middle one shows a roomful of attendees listening to an oral presentation. The one on the right shows ten people listening to an oral presentation.

NREL hosts an annual Photovoltaic Reliability Workshop (PVRW) so that solar technology experts can discuss current and future issues in PV reliability. Longer-lasting PV systems make lower-cost solar electricity and have less impact on the environment, human health, and natural resources.

PVRW offers a combination of oral presentations, panel discussions with vigorous audience participation, and poster presentations. Because we emphasize participation, most attendees present a poster or talk. See past proceedings. Each presenter is also allowed to host one non-presenting (paying) guest.

The newly announced PowerMark Early Career Prize in PV Reliability will be awarded at PVRW 2025. See information on how to nominate for the prize.

2025 Workshop: When and Where

March 4-6, 2025

Marriott Denver West
1717 Denver West Blvd.
Golden, Colorado


For information about the workshop, please contact pvrw.admin@nrel.gov.

To submit an abstract for an invited Oral Presentation please complete this form. Early abstract submission for invited oral presentations closes November 1, 2024.

If you would like to reserve a side room for your own collaborative gathering at the PVRW, please contact pvrw.admin@nrel.gov after completing the registration process.