Presenter Information

Registration is closed for PVRW 2025. You can not currently create accounts or login on this website.

Find guidance on presenting at the PVRW as a poster and/or oral presenter.  

Presentation Content

Please remember that PVRW hosts technical attendees. Talks based on data are generally well-received, whereas those that are non-technical or based on advertisement are not. If you have not attended the PVRW before, you may wish to browse past proceedings, to familiarize yourself with the subjects and level of detail typically found in the presentations.

If you would like it to be included in the PVRW proceedings, you will be asked to verify that your presentation is nonproprietary (and not published or offered for publication elsewhere) when you register for PVRW.


Poster Presenters

Most PVRW attendees present a poster. Please be ready to submit your poster title and abstract during the registration process. Posters should provide technical content related to PV reliability.

The meeting chair will contact authors shortly after registration if the abstract needs modification to be accepted into the workshop.

Poster Instructions

The maximum dimensions for posters displayed at PVRW are 46 inches wide by 48 inches long. You may be able to customize your poster print for these dimensions. Common paper sizes that would fit inside the maximum dimensions include:

  • ANSI Standard Paper Size E (34 inches wide by 44 inches long)
  • Architectural Size Arch E (also known as Arch 6, 36 inches wide by 48 inches long)
  • ISO Paper Size A0 (approximately 33.1 inches wide by 46.8 inches long)

Most attendees travel to the workshop with their posters. The closest large-format printer to the workshop is 3.3 miles from the hotel. 

Hanging Your Poster

If your travel plans allow, please hang your poster before the first poster session on Tuesday. (Many people like to browse the posters during off hours.)

In the workshop program, each poster is assigned a number. Find your number on the poster boards in the City Lights room (to the left of the check-in desk) and hang your poster there. Thumbtacks are provided.

Presenting Your Poster

During your assigned poster session (one hour total) stand by your poster, or have a co-author do so, in order to present the information and answer questions. Only posters with presenters stationed at them during the assigned time will be considered for poster awards.

Poster Awards

Poster awards are presented for each day’s poster session near the end of the day's activities in the main ballroom.

Removing Your Poster

If possible, please leave your poster hanging through the end of Thursday’s poster session. Many people like to browse the posters during off hours. If you would like to take your poster home, please retrieve it by 15:00 Thursday afternoon or it will be discarded.


Oral Presenters

Some PVRW attendees are invited by the program committee to give an oral presentation. Most invitations are extended by the program committee, independent of the registration process, to form sessions that address current hot topics in PV reliability. 

A few authors of outstanding poster abstracts that also fit into this year’s sessions may receive an invitation to promote their poster abstract to an oral presentation.

Presentation Computer

All presentations will be loaded onto our presentation computer before your session starts.  The most convenient way to load the oral presentation is to upload them to Box (link to come) and notify the organizers that you have done so at at least one week prior to the workshop.

Alternatively, you can bring the presentation to the workshop on a thumb drive and load it onto the presentation computer before the workshop begins for the day.

Presentation Timing

You will be informed of the time slot for your presentation when you are invited. We would also like you to participate as a panelist during the discussion time at the end of your session. Questions will originate from live digital polling of the audience to ensure the most popular questions are posed.